Wednesday, May 27, 2009

(Previously...) Cracked

Hmmmm. Why do you suppose this is cracked? Ponder all you want. I'm not telling.

Below is my Illustration Friday for last week (and the previous week). I just couldn't come up with anything for Parade, so that week slipped away. Then I decided that I would retroactively do Parade along with Contagious by drawing a parade of contagiously yawning cats. Alas, the week got away from me. Here is my sketch anyway. I liked this version.
I didn't even get a chance to see anyone's contagious illustrations (except Splinky the Space Cat). I think yawning might have been a popular theme. I see the illustration of the week features that highly contagious subject.
Still 2 and a half weeks of school. Sigh. Speaks for itself.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I deescovered your deelightful yard some time ago and have been eenjoying the seed that those messy sparrows fleeng to the ground. Not long ago you actually spoke to mee and seemed to toss some seed out just for mee and mee alone.

And now I have feegured out where you originate from, and I shall, from now on, be knockeeng at your weendow to ask for the seed that you so geneerously toss.

And here I am. Knockeeng. Breeng seed. Now. Leettle do you know, you are but one step in our deetermeenation to take over theeeee world.

Peegeons. Will. Rule.

(evil laughter echos through the yard)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Sunny Disposition

My early tulips were sickly this year, so I was pleased to see the second wave lighting up the herb garden. They look even better lighting up my kitchen:

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Spring Continues to Sprung

I'm still watching the Norfolk, WV eaglets. It seems like only yesterday they were tiny little fluffballs tucked in a nest bowl. And now they are almost as big as their dad (at least I think that's dad, because dad has skinnier legs). They bounce up and down and stretch their wings. Poor things, it has been raining a lot and quite heavily in WV lately, so more often than not when I check on them, they have been soggy lumps. Eaglets here in the NW are still fairly newly hatched, so the comparison is pretty interesting.

Meanwhile, in my yard, a Black-Headed Grosbeak stopped in for a snack on his way to...? Maybe he'll stick around? And bring friends?

Oh, For the Love of Broccoli!

Beloved citizen Broccoli: Still fork-free!

Conferences 'til 7 last night. Ran errands all afternoon. Fighting the urge to nap.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Fork-Free Afternoon

Is anybody else wondering why there would be a shoe store in Insalataville?

...Although those bunny slippers would be pretty cute on just about any Insalataville citizen!

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Yard hierarchy. I'm much happier with my Illustration Friday drawing this week than I was with last week's. This one went straight from my head onto the paper after some doodling. Best that way.

Super lazy Saturday. Didn't even make it to Free Comic Book Day. Watched Spider-Man 2 and did a crossword puzzle, then settled in for an evening of Barbarians on the History International channel and doodled until hierarchy found its way onto the page. Lots of heavy rain today: excuse for laziness.