Sunday, April 6, 2008

Dr. Orange

I think the Insalataville Labs panel is one of my favorites. I can't believe this one turned out the way I saw it in my head. I didn't think I was going to be able to do it.

It's the last day of Spring Break. I managed to pretty much fritter it all away. I did a lot of lounging, I have Radish drawn/drafted for the next 3 installments, I finished knitting a scarf and started knitting a tote for my Pilates mat, I cut out a bunch of stuff (that I hope actually gets sewn) while watching Season 1 of Smallville again, and of course, I mowed the rest of my lawn. But tomorrow is back to teenage wasteland. 3rd quarter ends on Friday, which means grades are due. And next week we start the dreaded 2 weeks of state testing. Why is vacation so short?


Amy said...

I think this is my favorite Radish yet, for many reasons... but the details are simply su-PERB.

Oh, sadness. I am so not ready to go back to "teenage wasteland" (love that song, though). I've managed to do absolutely nothing today and I have so many things that need to be done. Next week is going to be torturous (is that a word?)- I don't know how I'm going to get all of my grading done and prepare all the testing shizzle for our wasl-nazi of a boss. Sigh.

Gillian said...

Torturous indeed.
And thanks for the compliment.

Anonymous said...

I love the mugs, with all the little designs, also like the one in Think,Think,Think. I like how you showed Pear and Broccoli through the windows....and the little signs. What are they having? Hot chololate with lemon juice for the Zip in their Sip? Can't wait to meet Orange. Mad Scientists suspiciously come to mind. We havent seen Red Radish poke a Grape yet. The could be perfect hostages. (If he ever needs one)

Gillian said...

I'm keeping the poking and hostage-taking in mind. So many ideas, so many other things I'm supposed to be doing....
Although it does occur to me that poking a grape could have quite an ugly outcome.
Lemon juice? Isn't that a little...cannibalistic?

The little flowers on the mugs are photoshop-provided pictures.

Anonymous said...

Ooops, I forgot that they had lemons in their society. Then what is the Zip?

Gillian said...

Probably an extra shot of espresso....Mmmmmmm espresso.

Anonymous said...

I love those little signs. EsPRESSO!!!